The Ultimate Guide to THC Dosing

Superior Dispensary is well-known for stocking some of the best lab-tested medical and adult-use cannabis available. When you walk through the doors of our Phoenix dispensary, you’ll see our impressive selection of expertly curated, reasonably priced products.

Superior budtenders are standing by to help you determine which of the many products on our diverse menu would deliver the effects you’re hoping for.

If you’re leaning towards purchasing cannabis edibles for the first time, they’ll likely advise you to start with a partial serving.

Don’t be alarmed. Ingesting too much THC isn’t harmful, but knowing your base level can make your introduction to the delectable world of THC-infused treats way more comfortable and exciting for you!

Once you know the main differences between the effects of inhalation and ingestion, it’s easy to see why we recommend starting low and going slow.

THC Dosage Differences for Edibles Explained

The way you consume cannabis can have a profound impact on your experience, especially when comparing the differences between inhalation and ingestion. When you smoke or vape cannabis, for example, the THC begins circulating through your bloodstream almost immediately. The effects are typically felt within minutes and last several hours. The rapid onset can make easing into your personal sweet spot almost second nature.

Cannabis edibles, on the other hand, are processed through your digestive system before their THC is released into your bloodstream. Instead of near-immediate results, it takes longer for the THC to have an impact. Plus, liver metabolites convert a portion of the delta-9 THC to 11-hydroxy-THC, a more potent compound with longer-lasting effects. The fact that edibles can have a stronger impact milligram for milligram isn’t necessarily problematic.

Superior has some best practices to make sure you know your base line and know the wonders of what cannabis edibles have to offer.

Best Practices: Edibles Dosage Suggestions for First Timers

The overall impact of cannabis edibles, whether you’re leaning towards trying gummies, baked goods, elixirs, or THC-infused chocolate, varies by product type. There are also individual factors to consider, including personal tolerance, body weight, metabolic function, and the differences between ingesting edibles with food or on an empty stomach.

Most cannabis consumers can expect to wait an hour (or more) for the THC in their edibles to make their presence known. The effects can last up to 8 hours. Since the impact of edibles can be more pronounced, first-timers should consider starting with a smaller amount of THC than they would typically enjoy while smoking or vaping. We also stress the importance of waiting at least an hour before ingesting a second round, a precaution that minimizes the risk of unpleasant side effects.

As a beginner, it can take a few tries to find the total number of milligrams that delivers the best experience. Experts generally advise waiting 24 hours between experiments and increasing THC amounts in small increments. 

Before you begin, consider the following observations associated with ingesting various amounts of THC.


Milligrams  General Observation  Suggested For
1-2.5mg THC  creativity, focus, mild relief first-time consumers/microdosing
2.5-15mg THC  euphoria, impaired coordination  social consumption/ sleep
15-30mg THC  strong euphoria, impaired perception  experienced consumers/high tolerance
30-50mg THC very strong euphoria, impairment high tolerance/poor GI absorption
50-100mg THC  Extreme side effects, severe impairment  experienced consumers/medical need


Where to Find Superior Edibles in Phoenix, Arizona

The precautions you take when exploring edibles can actually Elevate future experiences! By going low and slow, you can help lower the chance of experiencing any negative effects associated with exceeding your THC tolerance levels.

Now that you know why we recommend starting low and going slow, you can explore your options with confidence.

At Superior Dispensary, we’ve made it our mission to provide a full-service experience in a welcoming environment. You’ll know you’ve come to the right place from the moment you step through our doors. You’ll be greeted by friendly, knowledgeable budtenders dedicated to helping you find the strains and consumption methods best suited to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. That’s how we roll.

If you’re looking for a selection of superior edibles in West Phoenix, Arizona, stop in at our retail location on South 57th Drive.



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